Secrets of Your Child's Education

Alexa Stuart Frisbie’s acclaimed book Secrets of Your Child’s Education is scheduled for a second edition printing prior to schools reopening in Fall of 2021.  Ms. Frisbie started her practical guide years ago, but after being diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer, she was motivated to complete her book and it was published just prior to her passing in January 2021.  A beloved life-long teacher, who worked across all aspects of the educational system, her book delves into the hidden culprits that can fail students – from teacher bullies to disconnected curriculum.  Secrets of Your Child’s Education delivers practical solutions for parents to ensure their children experience the fulfilling classroom experiences they deserve.  With a forward from her devoted husband, and new insights for the post-pandemic landscape, the book delivers upon Ms. Frisbie’s selfless spirit and passion for helping children and their families get the most out of their schools.


Link below to purchase Alexa's acclaimed book~